Saturday, April 27, 2013

How Do I Deal With This? Biblical Q and As

 Reblogged from

Q.  I have recently posted to a Christian forum a study I did to learn more about and better understand the End-Time events.  I was accused of error and of spreading false doctrine even though I backed up everything with many Scriptural references.  I guess my questions are how do I deal with this, both on a personal level and in the public forum?

A.  The short answer is “you don’t”.  People like this hold to their beliefs for emotional reasons and are not persuaded by reason or logic. Personally I don’t like forums or debates because confrontation usually results in both sides becoming more convinced of their original position, and the truth often gets lost in the process. 

The best approach is to be certain of your own views, offer them with Scriptural support and let them stand on their own.  Reasonable people will follow Paul’s advice and search the Scriptures to see if you’re correct (Acts 17:11). As for the rest, in Matt. 10:14 Jesus said just shake the dust off your feet and move on.

From Facebook Question of the Day
Q. In many of your articles you speak of a "Christian World View." I would like to know what you think that view consists of. I feel that it is looking at what is happening in the world news and relating it to Bible prophecy, and living in anticipation of what Jesus said would happen in the end times in which we are living. Am I close?

A. The Christian world view holds that although the Church is in the world we are not of the world. Our citizenship is in heaven (Phil. 3:20). That means we know we don't belong here, so we don't try to fit in. Paul told us not to conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but to be transformed by the renewing of our mind as we seek to discover God's will for our life (Romans 12:1-2).

If we hold a Christian World view, our thoughts and actions will be focused on Heaven, where we do belong, and on making sure we're always ready to go there. We will long for the Lord's return because we know that He's coming to take us there (John 14:2-3).

In the meantime, we will love the things that God loves, hate the things He hates, and try to show by the way we live what an incredible blessing it is to be in a relationship with the Lord.

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