Saturday, April 13, 2013

Abortion-infanticide orgy spiked by media

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'It is beyond the most morbid Hollywood horror'

(Warning: This article contains details of a graphic nature concerning abortions and may disturb some readers.)
The empty chairs tell the story: It may be the most horrifying abortion story in history – but the mainstream media are nowhere in sight.
The networks and the major newspapers are ignoring the murder trial of abortion doctor Kermit Gosnell in a Philadelphia courtroom.

A grand jury report said Gosnell “regularly and illegally delivered live, viable babies in the third trimester of pregnancy – and then murdered these newborns by severing their spinal cords with scissors.”

Revelations made in testimony have only gotten worse since the trial began last month, but you won’t see it on network television.
A picture of the empty chairs reserved for media was taken by J.D. Mullane of the Bucks County Courier Times. He tweeted, “Sat through a full day of testimony at the Kermit Gosnell trial today. It is beyond the most morbid Hollywood horror. It will change you.”
Mullane added, “Local press was there, Inky, PhillyMag, NBC 10 blogger. Court staff told me nobody else has shown up.”

How morbid is the trial evidence? Former employee Stephen Massof testified last week about how he snipped the spinal cords of babies, calling it “literally a beheading. It is separating the brain from the body.”

He also said, when women were given medicine to hasten deliveries, “[I]t would rain fetuses. Fetuses and blood all over the place.”
Masof pleaded guilty to third-degree murder in the deaths of two newborns and is now testifying against the 72-year-old Gosnell, who is charged with killing a woman and seven babies.

Fox News commentator Kristen Powers, generally considered a liberal, deplored the media blackout.
“The deafening silence of too much of the media, once a force for justice in America, is a disgrace,” Powers wrote.

She penned a column for USA Today yesterday noting the testimony of infant beheadings, severed baby feet in jars and a child screaming after it was delivered alive during an abortion procedure.
Powers said the reason most people haven’t heard about those horrors is because, “A Lexis-Nexis search shows none of the news shows on the three major national television networks has mentioned the Gosnell trial in the last three months.”

She added, “The Washington Post has not published original reporting on this during the trial and the New York Times saw fit to run one original story on A-17 on the trial’s first day. They’ve been silent ever since, despite headline-worthy testimony.”

What about the Associated Press? When a former worker at Gosnell’s Women’s Medical Society Clinic testified he saw 100 babies born and then had their necks snipped, AP headlined the story, “Staffer describes chaos at PA abortion clinic.”

“‘Chaos’ isn’t really the story here. Butchering babies that were already born and were older than the state’s 24-week limit for abortions is the story. There is a reason the late Democratic senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan called this procedure infanticide,” observed Powers.

She called out the establishment media for having a double standard.
“Let me state the obvious. This should be front-page news. When Rush Limbaugh attacked Sandra Fluke, there was non-stop media hysteria. The venerable NBC Nightly News’ Brian Williams intoned, ‘A firestorm of outrage from women after a crude tirade from Rush Limbaugh,’ as he teased a segment on the brouhaha. Yet, accusations of babies having their heads severed – a major human rights story if there ever was one – doesn’t make the cut.”

Powers suggested the mainstream media are letting bias affect their news judgment:  “You don’t have to oppose abortion rights to find late-term abortion abhorrent or to find the Gosnell trial eminently newsworthy. This is not about being ‘pro-choice’ or ‘pro-life.’ It’s about basic human rights.”
The news judgment at the Washington Post is under scrutiny after reporter Sarah Kliff tweeted that she isn’t covering the story because she doesn’t cover “local crime.”

Mollie Z. Hemingway of, who says she has been “writing about media coverage of abortion for many years,” tweeted yesterday, “WaPo health policy reporter @SarahKliff has 80+ site hits on Akin/Fluke/Komen and zero on Gosnell? Would love an explanation.”
Kliff replied, “Hi Molly – I cover policy for the Washington Post, not local crime, hence why I wrote about all the policy issues you mention.’

National Review’s Robert VerBruggen sarcastically pointed out how easily local crime can become national news, tweeting, “Makes sense. Similarly, national gun-policy people do not cover local crime in places like Aurora or Newtown.”

Hemingway wrote Friday, “Kliff is hearing from her readers now – mostly I know about this since literally hundreds of them are copying me on their responses. To put it quite mildly, they find her justification attempt stunning, disingenuous, callous, laughable and far, far worse.”
Kliff has not responded to another reporter’s tweet, which asked, “so who at @washingtonpost SHOULD be covering Gosnell if not you?”

“It seemed obvious to me that the reporter at the Washington Post who writes so prolifically and passionately about abortion rights would cover this story. She says, however unconvincingly, that a major abortion story suddenly isn’t her beat. OK. Fine. So who at the Washington Post should be covering this major story with national implications? Let me know and I’ll ask them about it,” Hemingway inquired.

She said journalists aren’t exactly coming to Kliff’s defense, quoting another tweet that read, “Yeahhhh, so I’m pro-choice, but this Gosnell story is awful. And oh boy does it look bad for reporters normally on the health/abortion beat.”

Hemingway wrote, “The Gosnell blackout was working brilliantly for months here. And if this didn’t happen to be the most shocking trial of the century, I think reporters such as Kliff could have gotten away with it. They’d say they couldn’t imagine it being a health policy story. And then they wouldn’t cover it. So no politicians would weigh in. And it wouldn’t become a health policy story.”

Hemingway tried to coax Kliff into seeing it as a policy story by tweeting, “President Obama worked against the Born-Alive Infants Protection Act back in the Illinois Senate. He said he thought it was unnecessary and that he was worried it would undermine Roe. How has the Gosnell case affected his thinking on protections for children such as the ones Gosnell is accused of killing?”

The Atlantic has also caught on to the news blackout. Reporter Conor Friedersdorf admitted in an article Friday that he hadn’t even heard of the trial until reading the Powers piece.
He researched the case and decided, “Inducing live births and subsequently severing the heads of the babies is indeed a horrific story that merits significant attention. Strange as it seems to say it, however, that understates the case.”

Friedersdorf discovered, “It is also a story about a place where, according to the grand jury, women were sent to give birth into toilets; where a doctor casually spread gonorrhea and chlamydia to unsuspecting women through the reuse of cheap, disposable instruments; an office where a 15-year-old administered anesthesia; an office where former workers admit to playing games when giving patients powerful narcotics; an office where white women were attended to by a doctor and black women were pawned off on clueless untrained staffers.”

He said any single one of those things would itself make for a blockbuster news story, but there is so much more.
“Multiple local and state agencies are implicated in an oversight failure that is epic in proportions! If I were a city editor for any Philadelphia newspaper, the grand jury report would suggest a dozen major investigative projects I could undertake if I had the staff to support them. And I probably wouldn’t have the staff. But there is so much fodder for additional reporting.”

Friedersdorf wondered, “Why isn’t it being covered more? I’ve got my theories. But rather than offer them at the end of an already lengthy item, I’d like to survey some of the editors and writers making coverage decisions.”

Now even Planned Parenthood is claiming to be aghast by the case.
Late Friday, it tweeted, “Gosnell case is appalling. He ran a criminal enterprise, not a health facility & should be punished to full extent.”

However, Powers noted yesterday, “Planned Parenthood recently claimed that the possibility of infants surviving late-term abortions was ‘highly unusual.’ The Gosnell case suggests otherwise.”
And in another twist to the story, Wikipedia, the online dictionary and research website anyone can edit, may be poised to delete its entry on Gosnell.

According to one Wikipedia editor, “His case has not received national attention. It is a local multiple-murder story in Pennsylvania, nothing more.”

WND has several stories on the Gosnell case, including one posted just before the trial began.
It provides the history of the case Operation Rescue called “a horrific late-term abortion operation that was conducted with the aid of unlicensed workers who drugged patients into stupors, spread venereal disease by reusing disposable equipment, perforated wombs and bowels and killed at least two patients.”

The grand jury report has 281 pages of details, including a chapter titled “The Intentional Killing of Viable Babies.”
The report also explains how Gosnell’s practice went 17 years without oversight. It states that the clinic was not inspected from 1993 to 2010 because when pro-abortion Republican Tom Ridge became governor in 1995, Pennsylvania’s health department stopped making routine inspections of abortion clinics.

The report stated, “Officials concluded that inspections would be ‘putting a barrier up to women’ seeking abortions.”

As WND reported, when authorities finally raided Gosnell’s clinic in 2010, they were greeted by the stench of cat urine and found blood-stained furniture and blankets, piles of bags of medical waste and other filth. They also discovered those rows of jars containing the severed feet of what appeared to be late-term aborted babies and the corpses of several aborted babies with cuts on the backs of their necks.

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