Monday, February 11, 2013

The Nights of Vila Sonia

Written and published by Jean-Louis. 
My dear love, precious muse
Your tenderness flows over my soul
And keeps me quieted down
In your sweet embrace

My being wrapped in you
Velvety and silky mother of pearl
Consecrated vase
Shared in silence

Prisoner locked without a key
Under the enchanted night
Half mist, half moon
Piercing with its sharp horns
The tenacious diaphanous veil

Challenging the wind
And the unceasing rain
In São Paulo,
City of illusions

Here you are Vila Sonia,
Suburb of dreams
Awoken by the nostalgia
Of a distant anxious melody
Lulling my weariness
With melancholy chords
Suspended by  its rhythms

Benevolent ambassadors
Musical streets vendors
Bring the flowery dawn
Of scarlet glory strewn
On a golden palette
By the indecisive heavenly
Host welcoming
In your unknown world
This exhausted traveler

With all its best efforts
The king of the day could not
Eclipse your inviting glance
And your noble bearing at last
Inviting me to share... breakfast.


  1. Aww, what a wonderful testament of love to your beautiful wife!

  2. Thank you Sandee,
    We have to keep that flame going and burning bright.:)
    Blessings to you.J-L.


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