Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Psychologists explain 911 Denial


  1. I REALLY appreciate your sharing this. I don't really see how anyone can deny the evidence, but then I do know that denial can be a very powerful thing. News is coming so fast today, we are moving into yet another, faster lane, in our race to the culmination of these things.

  2. You are welcome Sandee!
    As you know the same denial applies in the case of cultic involvement, religious fanaticism, interpersonal and familial relationships.

    It is something deeply ingrained in the human psyche and it really takes the truth and love of the Lord Jesus to come and demolish those defensive strongholds that we so fiercely build as a defense mechanism.

    I have been through it but I have found the liberating power of Christ that is more powerful than the lies we surround ourselves with.


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