Wednesday, February 13, 2013

A Spring Morning

 Written and published by Jean-Louis.

As the sun rose, a fluttering of wings
I heard in the butterfly bush
Bringing an end to the night’s hush
Ushering the beauty of spring mornings

Oh, could it be that Joy is back
Promised since the winter snows
When the icy wind blows
In the absence of the lark

I thought I heard a whistle
Rising to wake up the dawn
To the faint sound in the myrtle
My heart still slow with a groan
Responded at first with a trickle

Yes, tired from a long voyage
The tiny winged messenger
 Bearer of good tidings, nay, of the best
Had come home to his nest
And to his beloved pay homage

"Don’t worry my friend
Your love is coming soon
Next May or at June’s end
Or even at the full moon

All the trees in the alley
Will bow down to her beauty
And the flowers of the field
Will their sweet perfume yield"

"My love, let your eyes whisper softly
Words I never heard before
And sweet promises of more
Love to come."

Jean-Louis. 2008


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you, Sandee for your visit and kind word. Love always triumphs. Thanks and praise to the greatest love giver of all and true inspiration of my heart, the Lord Jesus.J-L.


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