Sunday, February 24, 2013

Homosexuality is sin and those who practice it want you and me to stop saying so.

Reblogged from

“For those of you who want only to be at peace with
everyone I have a special word for you. These folks who promote homosexuality
will not simply allow you to remain on the sidelines as they permeate the land
with their filth. If you are not with them then you are a target” – Ron Graham  “Them that Defile Themselves”

Frankly this is not a post about the rightness or the wrongness of homosexuality, but rather about our duty as self-professed followers of Christ and believers of His Word, to align ourselves with God’s position on the matter.  (And to do so based not on personal feeling or preference, but upon the immutable truth of God’s law).  You see, Gay Pride parades are not really so much about sodomites asserting  their right to sin, as they are about daring anyone to do or say anything  about it.  The dare is not really aimed at Christians, but at our God.  And I would even go so far as to say that the dare does not originate with the cross-dressers, transgendered, gay and lesbian folks who march in these parades (and push for “gay rights”), but originates from their god, (their father, satan–John 8:44)

Just as Solomon said, “there is nothing new under the sun”, every society that eventually embraced homosexuality did so only as an end-stage progression of their rebellion against God, with the extreme end of which being their decline and ultimate demise following relatively close upon the heels of that choice.

I wrote a post recently in which I stated that there was still hope for America, but do not misunderstandme on that.  It is not the hope for a return to our previous glory and prosperity.  There are always consequences and just like with individuals,  as a nation our sincere repentance makes provision for God to withhold his rightful wrath and condemnation, and brings us back into the sheepfold of safety, but does not erase consequences. 

 Consequences are not wrath and punishment, they come about as a natural fulfillment of immutable spiritual laws.  Just like the law of physics says if you release a rock from a 7th story roof, it will fall downward by the law of gravity, spiritual law says when we defile our bodies and veer outside God’s design for our bodies and sexuality, we suffer consequences (Romans 1:26-27) such as STD’s and  psychological and sociological consequences. 

There is hope that America can repent and experience some degree of revival thus averting some judgment and wrath.  But I’d say at this point it’s more a matter of damage control– The difference between a fiery crash-landing with mass casualties, or something less painful and traumatic.  God doesn’t say if unbelievers turn from their wicked ways and repent, He will heal their land.  He says if MY PEOPLE, which are called my MY name…. (Christian) shall humble themselves and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways…  You know the verse, and the principle behind it.

It is time for Christians to examine their own sincerity and commitment, if not their basis for calling themselves Christian.  Salvation by grace only, through faith in Christ alone and obedience to God and His Word.  Our beliefs, our moral positions can’t be based on opinions, feelings, and certainly not political correctness.  We do not get to call ourselves saved while rejecting God’s authority over us.  

 And that is really what homosexuality, and all  willful sin, is about.  It is the human tendency to want to be the sole authority over self, and to have the freedom to dictate our own standards and moral code.  But a thing, by virtue of being what it is, cannot simultaneously be “not that thing”.  That is a convoluted way of saying “you can’t have it both ways”.  Something can’t be “true for you, but not true for me”. (Law of Non-contradiction, or in the words of Aristotle:”one cannot say of something that it is and that it is not in the same respect and at the same time”).  Nothing can be both true and “not true” at the same time. 

So look at what God says about homosexuality  Leviticus 18:22, and 20:13.   (These verses are the most clear and straightforward in the King James Bible, as is true in general, which is why I avoid other translations which often tend to soften or really outright change the meaning altogether of what God said).

As a professing Christian, there can be only ONE position;  God’s!

A double-minded man is unstable in all his ways (James 1:8).  (And comes off looking pretty foolish, take Jay Carney HERE, who knows the truth but is obligated by political correctness not to say it). 

 Even gays knew at one time that what they are doing is wrong, despite their vociferously asserting otherwise.  Then it becomes easy to lie with conviction once God gives that person over to their sinful choice.  Christians who waffle or shrink from the truth, are themselves in danger of wrath.  Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them. –Romans 1:32
Come on, people, choose ye this day whom you will serve, are you a man or woman of God, or are you a mouse?

1 comment:

  1. Very good, Biblical and clear analysis of the earth and unbelieving mankind ripe for the judgment of God. I like the cartoon of the mouse and the man.

    It gets me thinking of the time when the 10 spies who report ed to Moses told him ” we were afraid of the giants, we APPEARED LIKE GRASS HOPPERS IN OUR OWN EYES”, whereas Isaiah 40 says that when God looks down on the sphere of the earth,”all men look like grasshoppers to him”.

    So who are we going to believe, our Almighty, Omnipotent God or the people that would suggest that we are fearful of them?

    It´s time we get a higher perspective and we look at ourselves the way the Lord looks at us like mighty men and women of valor as Gideon with the Angel and the rest like grasshoppers. God bless and have a restful Lord´s day.


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