Saturday, September 22, 2012

To my readers

Dear reader,

As a rebuttal to the lies promulgated by the sleek videos (see post below this one)  and the false hope of a new breakthrough in mankind´s spiritual/social evolution with the participation and support of the apostate church, I am reposting here a comment I wrote this morning to a blogger friend with links to 2 relevant and timely publications online for free viewing and download.

I know a lot has been written on the New Age but these books were written at a time when hardly anyone in the church knew there was such a movement that has its roots in the Luciferian occult religions of this world.

This is a crucial time in the life of the church because these teachings have invaded churches all over the world and most of them are blissfully asleep seeking prosperity, signs and wonders, answers to their problems in humanistic psychology, meditation, yoga, contemplative techniques and following doctrines of men and devils.

I am recommending these books because I spent some 25 years in the New Age and occult world and was an adept and practicioner of a number of these means of deception.
If you are aware of your enemy´s schemes and techniques for defeating you, you can be equipped for fighting back and help others stand together for the truth and the honor of our Lord and Savior Jesus-Christ.

May the Lord bless you and keep you.


Hi Shekinah,

I reblogged your post. I am still not up to speed with writing long posts. But I can reblog posts I think are important.
I also started a lateral bar free download for books. If you haven´t read them, the books on the New Age by Constance Cumbey are a must if people are to understand the New Age movement. Exactly when the Lord took me out of it in 1984, I found her book "The Hidden Dangers of the Rainbow" a daring exploration of the movement and a wake up call to the sleeping church. I can tell she understood very well what was going on as she laid out in details the Luceferian ( Masonic) doctrine and plan and its development at the highest levels of world government through occult techniques methods and the use of pseudo sciences supposed to bring the human race to an evolved state of enlightenment and godhood. See what Isaiah says about the false light and false fires. Isaiah 50:10

 Throughout the book and in the appendices, she names the proponents and supporters of this conspiracy and as well as a growing number of organizations behind it. I was well aware of the authenticity and veracity of the material presented because of my personal involvement with, following of and practicing the occult teachings. I witnessed the insidious teachings in the unsuspected church. 35 years later without desisting in spite of persecution, ridicule and ostracism from most of the main line churches and a few others in the evangelical church, she was proven right and vindicated by the undeniable reality of the deception and the world condition in these last days.

She was faithful to her calling as a dedicated, fearless watchman in spite of the bitter opposition she endured from a large segment of the  church. But we must keep doing the work of the Father while it is day. Our inheritance and our reward is in and with the Lord Jesus that can never perish,spoil or fade , kept in heaven for us. who through faith are shielded by God´s power until the coming of the salvation that is ready to be revealed in the last time. More on suffering through trials till verse 10. I Pet 1:3-10.

Here are 3short studies I wrote on the New Age and false teachings a few years back for SS classes and youth groups.

Thank you for playing your part in warning the church of the present dangers. May the Lord protect you with his love, his truth and his Name and may his manifold grace be poured out on your life and your family. I prayed for your friends in mourning.
Keep passing it on.



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