Thursday, September 27, 2012

Please Sober Up!

Please Sober Up!

By Tim Cameron
Reblogged from Rapture Ready.

“Knowing this first: that scoffers will come in the last days, walking according to their own lusts, and saying, ‘Where is the promise of His coming? For since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of creation.’” ─2 Peter 3:3

I sincerely think there are thousands upon thousands of us that are drunk on the Kool-Aid thinking that this is a normal time in our lives. Despite the many dark an ominous signs to the contrary, there is something in us that wants to cling to a hope that this world is going to get better─despite what God has so graciously and lovingly warned us about:
“In the last days perilous times will come.”

I understand that desire. I’m a carnal man living in a world that is all I’ve ever known. I have an awesome wife, three kids, a home, a career, “The American dream.”

“Tim, just keep your head in the sand and enjoy the ‘here and know’ besides....
People have been preaching Jesus is coming back for 2,000 years.”
It’s very much on the heart of our God that His people would know His voice and what is on His heart. Noah is a picture of someone being able to discern the times and be prepared, as is Lot and his family. It’s imperative that we know the times we are facing!! Now before you pass that off as just cliché, the Scriptures about Noah and Lot are warnings or pictures of people we are told to emulate, “as it was in the days of Noah,” and “as it was in the days of Lot.”

There is a work of preparation that needs to be taking place in every believer and one thing that needs to happen is a major sobering up from being drunk on this life! I’m sorry if this sounds like bad news but if you will hang on...there is some great news coming.

Now I can hear the skepticism from the verse in 2 Peter screaming at me, “all things continue as they were from the beginning of creation.”
Ok, well I’m all about keeping it real, keeping it simple. Number one: Jesus told us that when the fig tree (Israel) blossomed in the desert that THAT generation would not pass away! Before 1948 there was a time that Israel ceased to exist as a nation...up until that time I can understand how there were those who believed that the church had “replaced” Israel. But once the rebirth of modern Israel took place in 1948, I have got to believe that anyone who had a Bible and studied it would have considered that a monumental wake- up call:
“Oh snap, Israel’s a nation again!!” Holy Moly! Jesus said that would happen and that it would be a major signal that the end of the age (Church Age) was at hand and that “the time of the gentiles” was being fulfilled! Daniel had said of this same time in history, that things would change in a major way in relation to how people traveled and there would be a dramatic increase in knowledge.

For thousands of years travel was with horses, donkeys and camels but then, boom, in the same century of Israel’s rebirth we see the crazy changes in travel. You can literally ship packages around the world in three days and can talk instantly globally through text, tweet or chat. Knowledge increasing? Satellite TV’s in SUVS with GPS talking to you while you listen to a song just downloaded seconds ago via iTunes in the UK...need I say more?

When I attended Bible school and listened to my professor talk about the “last days” I would say, “Please, please just cut to the chase.” Patience is not my strongest suit. I remember being blessed to get to sit in a one on one session with eschatological scholar, Dr. George Westlake Jr. in Kansas City and ask: “Pastor Westlake, in lay mans terms how will we know?” I remember hearing “We are not to look for the Antichrist, but we will see his stage. He will solve two major global problems and because of it the world will worship him. The two issues will be a global economic crisis and major volatility in the Middle East that is wrecking havoc on the whole world.”

I used to sit and listen to Pastor Westlake expound on eschatology and be so in awe and yet perplexed and question God, “Dear God, why oh why are you having me sit under this man and study this topic and yet you gave me no gift to teach?”

A few years ago, during a very stormy night...Our local weatherman rudely interrupted our TV show to give an urgent warning “People in Lawrence County take shelter.”

Like a ton of bricks that moment screamed in my hearing, not just of the impending warning but froze me in my tracks as I heard, “Tim, you see that young man warning of the coming storm? He studied meteorology but he’s not teaching it, he is just warning of the moment at hand and that is why I had you study what you studied not to teach but to ‘just warn.’”

I sit here typing this current message trembling and tears are streaming down my face because I sense an urgent stirring in my spirit sound an alarm to all who have ears to hear....

I so wish I could just share a “feel good” message that we could all cheer and have a gazillion likes on Facebook or in general because my carnal side wants to be liked, but that is not the call of this hour. God is raising-up many voices in preparing His way with a message of:

SOBER UP! Please realize that this is not the “same ole same ole.” Entire nations are on the edge of insolvency, the Federal Reserve is printing money over and over. NOT to bail us out but to enslave by extending the grasp of debt upon more and more people.

There have been wars and rumors of wars in my lifetime, I was born at the tail-end of the Vietnam war ...saw the first Gulf War, the 2nd...but the one that is “even at the door” is of biblical proportions...

The end of “this age” is a time called “Jacob’s Trouble” and it is all about Israel being dealt with by God and it’s rejection of His Son Jesus! They will have no ally but God and they will be scared. You can see it already when they talk of Iran’s nuclear program and deal with their superpower friend, America, seemingly leaving them out to dry. When war does break out...this world will never be the same!

Just one issue of our lives─the gas pump─ it will become so scary that people will panic....

Retirement plans are crashing, 401ks were cool in the 90s but how is yours looking now? Are you seriously trusting in your pension when entire companies are collapsing?

Are you looking to government as your back up plan, “There is always unemployment insurance if I lose my job.” OH YEAH, for how long? America is broke!! There is a reason power brokers are sheltering their money in silver and gold...(not that it will help them).

Romney and Ryan cannot fix this.... It will take a man with an evil plan.

9-11, 2001 came and went and we have forgotten! Madonna sings that America has a “Muslim president” but she obviously doesn’t know what that means...In their book she is an infidel and must convert or die a heinous death! That is their mission and that is their goal, and yet we are asleep thinking that they will never come to our towns?
Gloom and doom and agony for me?

“Dude, Tim, the gospel is Good News,” and I say AMEN! It is the ONLY Good News we have to cling too!

On a stormy night in Missouri, something becomes vitally important: The storm shelter!

You see, in 2012 in a lot of circles the gospel has been compromised to be a means to an end instead of the end itself! Jesus is our destiny.... the Good News is that Jesus came and died and rose again and then went “to prepare a place for us, that where I am you may be also.”

In following Him, we too, were to let go of this place and instead long for the place where Jesus dwells. There is a major difference between earth and is sin cursed and headed toward a time where unless God shortened the days no flesh will survive versus the place where the Builder and Maker─the Lord dwells.

Lot’s wife experienced a time of longing, to hang on to what God said was going to be destroyed...

Lets not be like her. Instead, let us “sober up” from our best life now....

Put down the Kool-Aid and pay great attention to whatever it is that God is trying to get us to hear, and I’m not talking about this particular message. I’m talking about your own particular assignment, the email you need to type to a friend or neighbor or prodigal child or making right of a broken relationship due to lack of forgiveness.

Getting our priorities of our daily routines in order that have included God but giving Him your leftover time instead of our best time.

IF there was ever a time in your life that God was calling you to a dedicated, intentional and purposeful time in your prayer closet, it is now!

Its time to “turn from wicked ways” to sincerely draw near to God, to “decrease that He might increase.”

There are thousands of blogs and thousands of voices and thousands of conferences...but The ONLY message God set in place to save the lost soul is Jesus Christ and Him crucified!

When was the last time we heard just the uncompromising and simple message of the cross? It is the storm shelter. It is our Noah’s Ark and the ONLY hope for the times we are now living in!

“Dear Father, I’m scared. Muslims are holding up signs that say they are going to kill me, and my kids and rape my wife. They are demanding Sharia law right here in America. "

"Do not fear those who can kill the body but rather fear him who can destroy body and soul in hell.”

“That isn’t very reassuring Lord!"

“Count the cost. A servant is not greater than His master, if they hated me that will hate you.”

“But be of good cheer? HOW GOD?”

“I have overcome the world, for whoever believes in Me shall NOT perish but have everlasting life. Greater is He that is in you than he that is in this world.”

I encourage everyone to really study and cling to Psalm 91 as it is about as reassuring a passage as there is for a time such as now. We definitely need to know God’s promises and hide them in our hearts.

Things are becoming more and more polarizing, almost like there is a sifting taking place right before our eyes! On the one hand we have those who are occupying and demanding their rights and looking for salvation from fellow man...very stubborn and determined to get their way almost acting like a goat.

On the other hand, there are those who are realizing that this is a perilous time and asking for wisdom and guidance ...needing a shepherd.

Well, here is what that Good Shepherd has said about this time....

“Let not your heart be troubled; you believe in God, believe also in Me. In My Father’s house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself; that where I am, there you may be also” (John 14:1).

I will close with this: In the days of Lot in a place called Sodom and Gomorrah, a family was surrounded by the vilest of vile and murderous rage-filled the looked hopeless and scary...and at a moment Lot and his family for sure “thought not,” God sent forth his ministering angels and gathered Lots family to a place of safety removing them from a place that He was about to pour out His wrath upon.

Right now, all around us is a world gone mad. The wicked are springing up like grass, threatening and spewing out their evil desires.


Our God is once again getting ready to remove those who have called upon the Name of His Son Jesus to a place of safety, because He is about ready to pour out His wrath!

So please sober up, but LOOK UP…

Our Redeemer draws near.

In Christ,

Tim Cameron

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