Sunday, September 16, 2012

Epicenter Conference 2012 - Joel Rosenberg

Click here: Epicenter Conference

Watch free videos from 2009-2012 conferences about the state of the Middle East and Jerusalem, the nature of the world´s conflicts as it relates to the End Times. Great presentations, analyses, testimonies by ME ex-muslims Pastors witnesses of God´s power in the conversion of millions of Muslims in the Middle East. Good solid Biblical teaching by knowledgeable, faithfull and caring Pastors. Qs and As sessions.

A time to keep abreast of what God is doing in bringing his will, his purpose and his plan to bear upon a world that is for the most part rejecting his love, mercy and pardon for their sins found in his Son Jesus-Christ  and choosing instead the terrible judgment that is about to fall upon them. Are you ready?  

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