Saturday, September 29, 2012

Do I Have Enough Faith?

Do I Have Enough Faith?

Q. Is it true it only takes a small amount of faith to become saved as long as its in Jesus or do you need a lot? The Bible talks about mustard seed sized faith, but I’ve also heard you need to believe with all of your heart. What if you definitely want to be saved but you feel like you are lacking the faith you need?

A. When God gave the Israelites bread from heaven, which they called manna, some gathered a lot and some only a little. But when they measured how much they had gathered everyone had exactly what they needed (Exodus 16:17). Later Jesus told them the bread from heaven represented Him (John 6:35).
I interpret that to mean that everyone who asks for the Lord’s salvation gets the amount of faith he or she needs to receive it. Paul said we’re saved by grace through faith, and our faith is a gift from God (Ephes. 2:8-9). That means when we sincerely ask the Lord to save us, He will give us the amount of faith we need to believe we’re saved. Then, when we study His word the faith He gave us will grow (Romans 11:17). The more we study the more it grows.

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