Monday, August 6, 2012

Homosexuals Demand that Chick-Fil-A Stop Serving “Gay Chicken”

I really needed to be entertained and laugh today. It would be hilarious if it weren´t so sad and tragic. The next worse thing that I can think of is a Brazilian soccer player scoring  a goal against his own team!

Usually I stay away from gratuitous controversial subjects not because of fear of repercussion or persecution, but I like to choose my battles and not be distracted from the most important task at hand which is to call people everywhere to repent and come to the Lord Jesus-Christ as their Savior to receive pardon for their sins and freedom to enter a new life of righteousness that leads to an eternal state of fellowship with God.
I am not a mocker, a teaser maybe, but a gentle and loving one.

But this was too much. I hope that it was a joke. Even if it was written as a act of sabotage, it would be a pretty creative one! After all, we could all take a lesson in how to undermine the political opponent´s credibility and intelligence through ridicule from Saul Alinsky, mentor to President Barak Obama. But let me not upstage the comedian/s who wrote the petition and let see where the meat of these tolerant, inclusive and multi-cultural people is.  

Here are the comments about the post by Elizabeth Prata in

The next news excerpt is a great article on the silliness of the unsaved's thinking. Romans 1:21 says of the reprobate, "For although they knew God, they did not honor him as God or give thanks to him, but they became futile in their thinking, and their foolish hearts were darkened."

The word foolish here means without comprehension; foolish because incoherent; failing to "put facts together", "lacking synthesis"; & describes a person failing to structure information in a meaningful way, and therefore unable to reach necessary conclusions. And they call us ignorant morons. We see here what God really thinks of the intellectual capacity of the unsaved. The definition goes on to say, this person is illogical because they're unwilling to use good reason.

Peter is more directly blunt. Of those who "and especially those who indulge in the lust of defiling passion and despise authority," (2 Peter 2:10), "What the true proverb says has happened to them: “The dog returns to its own vomit, and the sow, after washing herself, returns to wallow in the mire." (2 Peter 2:22).

So here it is.

Homosexuals Demand that Chick-Fil-A Stop Serving “Gay Chicken”
I must admit I don’t get around much, so I didn’t even know the reliably left-leaning Huff ’n’ Puff Post had a “Gay Voices” section. But yesterday, I read an article from there that covered a recent petition (with a whopping 1,500+ signatures!) that demanded that Chick-Fil-A be consistent with their “anti-homosexual” values and stop serving “homosexual” chicken at their restaurants. As the petition explains, some male chickens will mount other male chickens, so Chick-Fil-A cannot be consistent with their values until they make sure that none of the chicken meat they are serving comes from “homosexual” chickens. Wow. I’ve read some really, really stupid petitions in my life. But that one… Where do you even start?

First, I’m sure this petition was meant as a sort of barbed joke, but it falls squarely into the “Boom! How will you ever recover from the devastation of my cleverness?!!!!” category—a category which regularly falls far short of its intended goal. I feel bad for the people that wrote this actually. Is this really the best they can come up with?
Second, if these people actually think Chick-Fil-A is a hate-filled, anti-homosexual company, wouldn’t it be more consistent for Chick-Fil-A to serve only homosexual chickens? I mean it’s not like Chick-Fil-A sends their chickens on luxury vacations. They kill them. And then we eat them.

Third, why are homosexuals so obsessed with the fact that animals intermittently commit homosexual acts? The fact is that animals really don’t practice homosexuality per se. It’s not like any of them are exclusively attracted to the same sex. They just have no self-control. They will hump pretty much anything around if they get the notion. My dog used to hump male and female dogs, plush toys, the legs of guests, sectional sofas… you know—anything. He was a dog, after all. He ate our underwear and pooped in the hallway too. I fail to see why that matters. Animals variously engage in incest, genocide, cannibalism, pedophilia, and other socially unacceptable behaviors. If homosexuals want to legitimize their behavior by claiming that it is “only natural,” what leg do they have to stand on to condemn anything—including the so-called “intolerance” of Chick-Fil-A?

Read more:

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