Monday, July 16, 2012

A Generation Void of Outrage

Jul 16, 2012

A Generation Void of Outrage

One of the most frustrating aspects of being an end-time believer is dealing with the reality that society is doomed to become increasingly wicked as be we get closer to the Tribulation hour. Bible prophecy doesn't give us the excuse to just sit back and watch the world burn. When we stand before the Judgment Seat of Christ (Bema), the Lord Jesus will want to know what we did to combat the works of the devil.

Rather than fighting each problem, I see a common link in the way our society is sliding relentlessly toward judgment. The key problem is that we have become a generation that is lacking in outrage. We see evil and yet don't respond with enough anger to make a difference.

The battle against immorality is much like the battle against flood waters. Because many of our structures are built on waterfronts that are below the natural waterline, we need to run pumps 24/7 to keep them from flooding. The city of New Orleans and the New York subway system are two such examples. If there were a breach or if the pumps were to fail, they would be quickly flooded. Unless Christians maintain their steadfastness against sin, the enemy will flood in and corrupt society.

In recent years, the lack of outrage has reached levels I didn't think possible. One example is the case of Bishop Eddie Long. He is the head of an Atlanta mega church who was recently alleged to have sexual relations with underage male members of his parish. Long has denied wrongdoing, but has paid money to silence his accusers.

This past December, Long said he would be taking a leave of absence from his ministry after his wife, Vanessa Long, filed for divorce. Long's leave of absence lasted less than a month. He returned to the pulpit on New Year's Eve. If a minister can brush off allegations of sexual misconduct with young boys, one has to wonder if there is any transgression left that could automatically force a pastor to step down.

Church leaders have no backbone when it comes to standing up for biblical morality. In May, President Obama endorsed same-sex marriage and was proclaimed as the "first gay president" by Newsweek. A few days later, Obama had a meeting with a group of southern black pastors. They collectively told him that they were troubled by his support of gay marriage. I call hogwash on this outrage. I don't know of any time when these black churches have separated themselves from the moral corruption of the Democratic Party. Obama could have given a far better challenge by saying he's a satanist who consults with Beelzebub on major policy decisions.

Even on the secular front, there is a shortage of outrage. World leaders claim to be vexed by the endless massacres taking place in Syria, but no one is offering to take any action. President Bashar al-Assad has been branded as a murderer, but there was no break in the deadlock among world powers over how to bring about an end to the bloodshed. There is even word that the Syrian military is getting chemical weapons ready for us against the revolt. Of course, this more proof that Assad sees the West as a paper tiger.

People who neglect to show their outrage need to realize there is no neutral ground in the battle between good and evil. If we don't show our outrage against the forces of darkness, they will manifest their outrage against you. Chick-fil-A has found this to be true in its support of family values. The fast-food chicken chain gave $2 million to seven anti-gay groups and the left is trying to get the firm removed from nearly a dozen universities. Chick-fil-A recently lost a bid for a vendor spot at Northeastern University because of its moral stance.

Another thing that makes a quick response urgent is the fact that outrage cannot be sustained over a long period of time. Most people only oppose the type of sin that brings them immediate satisfaction. When is the last time you heard a minister preach about the evils of divorce and booze? You don't, because they know the subject has become boring to the public.

I see the lack of outrage as one of the greatest indicators of how close we are to the Tribulation hour. The whole reason for the seven-year judgment period is to convince mankind to repent of his sinful nature. The apathy of our day can only provide evidence to the Lord that it is time to move towards judgment.
"And the rest of the men which were not killed by these plagues yet repented not of the works of their hands, that they should not worship devils, and idols of gold, and silver, and brass, and stone, and of wood: which neither can see, nor hear, nor walk: Neither repented they of their murders, nor of their sorceries, nor of their fornication, nor of their thefts" (Revelation 9:20-21).

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