Thursday, June 28, 2012

How Can I Serve Him? Qs and As

How Can I Serve Him?

Q. I am in desperate need of advice. To describe my overall state would indeed be that of cognitive dissonance. I am so extremely anxious to serve to Lord with my life, I have forgotten – if I had ever known – what his truest desire is for us: to love him. But how? I want nothing more, but I find it nearly impossible amongst the chaos of daily living, striving for a meager existence. I’d just as soon leave everything, my home, my job, my family. All I want is to love him, and to give my life to his service. Please help.

A. My advice is to just focus on loving Him. He’ll let you know when its time to start doing something more, and He’ll let you know what He wants you to do (Romans 12:1-2). It may be for now that the best way to show your love for Him is to cherish and support your family. Paul said that whatever we do we should do it as if for the Lord (Colossians 3:17). That includes doing your job, loving your wife and kids, and being the head of your family.

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