Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Coração de Pedra - a Heart of Stone - João Alexandre

A Heart of Stone
Translated by the author of this blog

There is the ideal place for who likes to hide
And be counted as one more in the crowd
There is the place where people hug
But when the hour comes to pay the price
They wash their hands
Here is where everybody is found
But end up getting lost because
Of thinking they are invincible
There is a place with no room for sadness,
Anguish, for pain or inexpressible groans

God doesn´t dwell in temples built by man´s hands
God will never be chained to the walls of a religion
God lives no more in temples build by man´s hands
God will never be confined in the darkness
Of anyone who still has a heart of stone

There no one knows the essence,
Only the appearance of living in communion
Here is where fools understand each other
Where the wise get caught up in the value of tradition
A present false paradise, a distant fanaticism
A Christianity without direction
Here is where everything is forbidden
Where everything is permitted
Where they are just like that, neither “yes”, nor “no”

May he finish well, even if there is disagreement,
Anyone who reconsiders the belief of God omnipresent
Let us be coherent, transparent, resplendent,
Aware that all of us believers who are his children
In the street, at work, at school, at the shop, the bakery
At the first aid clinic, on the highway, in the congregation
Let us feel the same way that God dwells in our hearts.  

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