Friday, March 16, 2012

Strange boom heard in GA, spiritual warfare ramping up?

Strange boom heard in GA, spiritual warfare ramping up?


  1. I don´t like to scare people but I always warn people of the consequences of rejecting the offer of pardon and eternal life. This has been on my heart lately more than ever and I devote the most part of my life talking to people about Jesus and their need for repentance and of a savior.

    We know the sound of a hurricane, we know the sound of an earthquake, God can make his presence known in intelligible sounds to the human brain or speak through the forces of natures through sounds waves that are not decoded as organized language by the human brain, but nevertheless is an audible manifestation of some sort.

    The unbeliever will not believe that it could be related to some invisible spiritual happening in another dimension, but we believers whose ears, eyes and hearts are attuned to our Creator and Lord can see and hear it coming and it is our duty to persevere even as we are reviled by scoffers and warn the ones listening to us. We have to heed the instructions of Jude 20 to the end. Snatch others from the fire and save them speaks to me of Sodom and Gomorrah and smell like burning urgency.

    Something strange happening here and we better pay attention to it. Warnings are good when they make noise, but watch out when the silence is eerie, that´s just before the big earthquake.

    When the archer bends the bow, you do not hear the sound of the arrow being drawn back into firing position, you might think everything is well, but once it is released, it goes right for the heart and God never misses the mark. By the time we hear the arrow hissing through the air, it is too late.

    "The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise as some understand slowness. He is patient with you not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance" II Peter 2:9.

  2. Hey there Papa i dont have facebook nor do i plan on slow in getting back in touch to alleviate this i now can skype with you all you have to do is call my# under your skype account im opening one as soon as i get done


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