Friday, March 9, 2012

Return to Mecca

Return to Mecca with Avi Lipkin from Gary Stearman on Vimeo.

Gary sits down with Avi Lipkin as they discuss his new book, The Return to Mecca. This book looks at the Jewish exodus from Egypt and the path they made. They discuss Mount Sinai and what claims the Jewish people have to Saudi Arabia.

1 comment:

  1. They really didn’t tell us anything, though, did they? Other than “you need to read this book”. I guess I have to buy the book to find out just exactly what his point is. He is clearly a Jew, but I can’t find anything online that tells me Lipkin is a Messianic Jew, but he does apparently a lot of speaking in Christian venues and churches. The comparison of the tefillin with the ka-aba as being related somehow, and to insinuate that Christians and Jews need to conquer Mecca, I don’t know. He was born in America, served in the IDF, worked in international commerce, and the government press office of Israel. He has been on the Manning Report a couple of times. It is interesting, though, that he openly says that Obama is seeking the destruction of Israel, as a Muslim, and how Obama has been compared to a particular Pharaoh, while some even believe he is a reincarnation or clone of a Pharaoh, and the timing of this, and the Exodus movie, etc.


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