Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Last Days Watchman: AllOut wants anti-“homophobia” bill passed in Brazil

Last Days Watchman: AllOut wants anti-“homophobia” bill passed in Brazil

Brazilian gay website, in partnership with AllOut, denounces opponents of gay dictatorship in Brazil
By Julio Severo

Socialist parties of Brazil want PLC 122, the main anti-“homophobia” bill in the Brazilian Congress, and other homosexualist laws passed. But what right does AllOut, a US-based homosexualist group, have to press Brazil to copy homosexualist legislations from the US and Europe?

Months ago, AllOut, which brags of having about 900,000 backers, launched a campaign to press PayPal to shut down my account. The campaign was successful, leading PayPal to close my account — showing that AllOut has power and money. The official document, in English, of AllOut bragging of its “victory” against me is available here.

Recently, AllOut requested all its international collaborators to exert pressure on Russia, so that St. Petersburg, the second largest Russian city, would pass a law banning gay propaganda and parades. Even US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton responded to the call from AllOut, condemning St. Petersburg’s law openly and asking Russia not to pass it. This time, despite of AllOut’s clout, AllOut campaign was not successful, because Russians did not cave to the threats.

Now, the eyes of AllOut are on Brazil, and more specifically on PLC 122.

The Brazilian website “PLC 122”, belonging to the Brazilian homosexual movement, revealed first hand that PLC 122 has been targeted by the American organization, which thinks it can force its will on the nations, just as it forced PayPal to act against me. This gay pressure on Paypal was named as the fourth top anti-Christian act of 2011.

The website “PLC 122”, which has some affiliation with AllOut, complains on its page about opposition by me and other Christians to PLC 122.

Decades ago, Brazilian Socialist President Dilma Rousseff would have screamed that AllOut is an imperialistic organization and that the website “PLC 122” is a facade for American imperialistic machinations.

In that time, Mrs. Rousseff and her comrades were Communist terrorists and had a passion for Russia. If they had learned that Russians in St. Petersburg showed a certain attitude against America, Mrs. Rousseff would quickly imitate them.

Mrs. Rousseff, the Russians in St. Petersburg have rejected the pressures of AllOut and US government. How about imitating them?

Mrs. Rousseff, the Russians in St. Petersburg have passed a law banning gay propaganda and parades. How about imitating them?

How about investigating website “PLC 122” for its “imperialistic” connections?

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