Saturday, March 31, 2012

Christians In Name Only. Qs and As.

Christians In Name Only

Q. Who are the people you refer to as “Christians in name only” that will not be able to be saved during the tribulation? Do they think they are saved? And if so, then they would not have rejected Christ, would they? And if they are just putting on an act (so to speak) why would anyone do that?

A. Christians in name only are those who belong to a church but aren’t born again and don’t have a personal relationship with Jesus. They believe they’re saved because they’ve joined a particular church or denomination. They’ve never checked to see for themselves what it takes to be saved, but have blindly followed that their denomination has taught them.
I don’t think I said they would not be able to find salvation during the last 7 years. According to 2 Thes. 2:9-12 those who have firmly rejected the gospel message will not be able to accept the Lord later. But those who have been deceived into thinking they are already saved when they’re not will have another chance after the rapture.
As for those who are just putting on an act, there are some people who attend a church just to fit in, or because they think it’s the right thing to do, or to make social or business contacts. I imagine some of these have no idea of what it means to be saved, nor do they care, while others are cynical non-believers who are only interested in furthering their own interests.

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