Wednesday, December 7, 2011

I BELIEVE by Gordon Butler

Gordon Butler - I Believe (Full Song) from First Baptist on Vimeo.

In November of 2010, Gordon and Christi Butler were blessed with their first child after 12 years of marriage, a little girl named Ivi Grace. Early in 2011, Ivi Grace was diagnosed with craniosynostosis, plagiocephaly and torticollis. All of these conditions are related to the head and neck. The torticollis, which involves constant tilting of the head and a wry neck, has been treated with physical therapy since diagnosis. A special helmet was and will continue to be used to treat the plagiocephaly, commonly known as flat spots on the head. These two conditions themselves are minor in comparison to the craniosynostosis, which is a fusion of the bones of the skull. Left untreated, the condition causes disfigurement of the head as a child grows, and even worse, the risk of brain damage due to inadequate growth space. Since Ivi Grace was three months old, Gordon and Christi knew the day would come when her skull would have to be surgically taken apart and put back together. Through weeks of soul searching and asking questions with no immediate answers, Gordon began to have doubts about the strength of his own faith as his frustration came to the breaking point. “I was like, okay God, what now? Where are You in all this? Where is this awesome, mighty God that I lead so many people to worship each week? I just wanted to run out into the street and shout into the sky ‘Where are You?’ But somehow, this thing called faith, the power of Christ living inside of me, it causes me to believe. I mean, I really do, even with all this junk, I believe. I can’t help to believe that God will take care of my little girl and all the other details of our lives, in His way, in His time. I thank Him for that.” In a moment of God-breathed peace and clarity, Gordon wrote the song “I Believe” as a statement of faith for himself alone. Although he never intended for the song to become public, God had other plans. Through the encouragement of another pastor, Gordon told the story of his family’s journey and sang the song for his own congregation at First Baptist Church in Hendersonville, North Carolina. Since that time, many people have called, emailed and written, wanting to know where a copy of “I Believe” could be found because of the encouragement it offered in their own lives and trials. After a few months of non-stop requests, Gordon decided to record the song and release it publicly, with any proceeds from the recording going to offset Ivi Grace’s medical expenses. Ivi Grace’s surgery will be on December 7, 2011 in Charlotte, NC at Levine’s Children’s Hospital. Even after surgery, years of therapy and continued treatment are a certainty, but God’s strength is sufficient for every need in the Butler’s life, and in yours. Trust in Him, even if your faith is small and fragile. He is faithful, just believe.

1 comment:

  1. Please pray for this sweet child and her parents. Today Dec. 7, she will be in Charlotte North Carolina undergoing surgery. May the Father be glorified and praised as his people join together in asking healing, mercy, grace, covering of his protection in the Name of our Lord Jesus. Thank you.


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