Thursday, October 20, 2011

Thoughts on Righteousness and Character

Thoughts on Righteousness and Character
By Cameron Whitaker
Living In His Name Ministries (Facebook) 

If it is true, and i fully believe it is, that God gives us leaders after our own heart, then the gov't we complain about is acting like us. If we will take up and resolve our poor character issues with God, i would bet anything that the impact of personal righteousness and holiness (character) would change the heart of the way things are done. Wisdom comes before character, and character comes be...fore authority, and authority comes before ministry. Wisdom and character are the righteous container for authority. Ambition to be honest and truthful is character. Leading a moral life is character. Opting to do righteousness when no one can see is character. Richard Wurmbrand spoke at our church once and when asked what the greatest weapon against darkness was, he said "Personal holiness". Character. Coming into the likeness of the Son is our greatest weapon against darkness. Character.

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