Wednesday, June 8, 2011


WND Exclusive
Terrorist: What happens when Allah doesn't answer ...
'I was so blind that the good things looked dark and the bad things looked light'

Posted: June 07, 2011
Kamal Saleem

Editor's Note: This is the second of a three-part series about Kamal Saleem, a onetime terrorist who abandoned violence for Christianity.

Trained from childhood to fight in jihad for the cause of Allah, former terrorist Kamal Saleem says he learned early to hate Christians and Jews. The response he got from Christians, however, changed his life.

The former soldier for Allah says in his biography that he was recruited by the Muslim Brotherhood for jihad and completed his first terrorist assignment when he was 7 years old.

Saleem says that with his upbringing, it was only natural that he would grow up with a desire to bring the West under the control of Shariah law, and, in fact, he was dispatched to Europe, then to the U.S., on that mission.

Read the full story, in "The Blood of Lambs: A Former Terrorist's Memoir of Death and Redemption"

But a 1985 traffic accident created a detour.

"My car was very small and it has a T-top, so when the 18-wheeler broad-sided me, I ejected from car and landed on my head in a mud hole upside down," Saleem related.

"I cried out for Allah, but Allah didn't come to save me. I cried, 'Allah where are you?'" Saleem added.

He said his rescuer was a doctor.

"His first words were, 'Son we're going to take care of you and everything's going to be all right.' He was assuring me that everything's going to be taken care of and 'we're' going to be with you," Saleem said.

Who is this "we," he wondered.

He's told his story in the book, "The Blood of Lambs: A Former Terrorist's Memoir of Death and Redemption," as well as a DVD called "In the Red Chair," where he describes how he used to use his power – all of it – to change the world for Islam.

"He wiped the mud from my face and then the ambulance came and took me to the hospital. The orthopedic surgeons read my chart and said, 'Your name is Kamal; you're a French citizen. You have no family; you have no friends. You have no insurance, or this or this,'" Saleem recalled.

"But he smiled with his little mustache and with a Southern accent said, 'Son, we're going to take care of you, and everything's going to be all right'" Saleem continued. "It was the same language, the same thing."

Saleem notes the common ground of his two benefactors.

"What they have in common, all of them, is that they were smiling. There was that assured smile and that just came out of them. The word of God says 'You will know them by their fruit.' These people did not demonstrate self, they demonstrated the character of the Most High," Saleem noted.

Saleem says that these men were "Fishers of Men" and their net was their talent and their gifts.

Saleem also says that this story is how he was able to have a fresh start in his life.

"Many people read in the Bible about Jonah and the whale, but I was Kamal and the 18-wheeler. The second day, the head of physical therapy, he comes and does the same thing. On the fifth day, these men come together, one after the other to visit me," Saleem recalled.

"They started hugging each other and telling each they love each other. They were Christians. When I realized they were Christians, I got really scared because I thought it was a conspiracy," Saleem said.

At first, Kamal says he thought the conspiracy was from the dark side.

"I thought the conspiracy was from the demons because I thought the demons had found me. But these men had something so special. I did not understand it because the Word of God says in 2 Corinthians that the god of this world has blinded their eyes lest the Gospel open their eyes and ears of understanding," Saleem said.

He says suddenly he realized that he was the one who was blind.

"I was so blind that the good things looked dark and the bad things looked light. But it was the opposite. Now I was seeing these men and these men said the hospital is going to discharge you and we're going to take care of you," Saleem said.

Saleem admits the doctors and hospital staff were introducing him to something he had never seen. He says he was being shown the unconditional love of God, something that is foreign to Islam.

"In Islam, everything is conditional. For example, in the Quran, there is not one place where Allah says 'I love my people,' not once. The word love is not mentioned in the Quran," Saleem said.

In his surgeon's house, Saleem says he was amazed by the love everyone showed to him. He also says it was in the doctor's house that he also noticed something special about Christian marriage and the treatment of women.

"Women in our (Islamic) culture are nothing. They are equal to the goat or the rug. Her purpose is to be married to her husband to give him pleasure. When a husband marries a wife, he purchases her sexual organs," Saleem said.

"Therefore, her purpose is to give him pleasure and to give him children. This is the purpose of women," Saleem said.

"My mom was always sick. We had fourteen brothers and sisters. She was a pregnant machine all the time and my dad was complaining about not getting enough sex," Saleem said.

Saleem says the memory of his mother and father's relationship made his experience in the doctor's house something completely alien.

"The husband and wife were together; they were partners. It was so powerful, two are better than one. And now they were racing as to who was going to serve whom. They were serving their children; they were serving their community and this guy was an orthopedic surgeon, one of the best, and he was cleaning bathrooms!" Saleem said.

"In our world we don't do things like that. That was women's work!" Saleem added.

Listen to another interview with Saleem:

Saleem said the Quran teaches that women can be beaten, and eventually either divorced or killed in an honor killing if she doesn't obey her husband.

"Here I am finding that women have a voice to speak to their husbands. She's equal to him and guess what! The husband is listening!" Saleem said.

He says that he at first was "allergic" to Jesus and resisted, even while being the focus of a men's prayer circle.

"These men never told me that I was a Muslim and didn't deserve to live. They didn't tell me that I was a nobody. They loved me unconditionally and they put a basket that said, 'For Kamal Saleem,'" Saleem remembered.

"The basket was full of dollars and with checks until they forgave my debt in full. They purchased a new car to replace the old car. I was seeing something. In Islam, if you're not a Muslim, it's my full right to take your land, to take your women, to take your children, to take everything," Saleem explained.

Saleem says that Muhammad commanded that non-Muslims' property can be taken simply because they're not Muslims. The process was to continue until everyone acknowledges that Allah is god and that Muhammad is his prophet.

Saleem's explanation of how Muslims financially related to non-Muslims agrees with Anwar al-Awlaki's article in the Winter 2011 edition of .al-Qaida's magazine "Inspire."

In his article "Dispossessing the Disbelievers," al-Awlaki said Muslims should steal from wealthy kafirs (unbelievers) to finance world-wide jihad.

Saleem adds that whenever Islam prevails, the property of non-Muslims belongs to the Muslims. If the kafir doesn't surrender it voluntarily, the head of the household should be killed.

"In Islam, you cannot inherit the enemy's property unless you kill the head of the household, the man. By killing the head of the household, the man, what happens is the whole thing is his legal right and that's called civilization slavery," Saleem explained.

"Only in Islam is slavery allowed and accepted, so now I'm seeing in their home (the host family) something completely different. And now, I'm part of their household," Saleem added.

"So the Word of God is walking before me and I came to know the ugly truth about Islam and the beautiful truth which is Christianity," Saleem said.

"I saw the two gods in front of me. One God came to my rescue. The god I had served ran away from me," Saleem added.

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