WHAT IF...Louis Scott

Written by Louis Scott on Facebook

WHAT IF ... the message you HEARD being "taught" from the PULPIT ... you know, the one that SHAPED much of your understanding of God ... was actually "unintentionally" misunderstood, and therefore IMPROPERLY TAUGHT to you? 
Would you desire to know the actual truth? For many, the truth is of no consequence because their mind has been COMPLETELY SEARED in the "deceitfulness" of a lie.
As if spiritual scar tissue has warped or "twisted" their mind's sensitivity to comprehend BEYOND a lie ... that they think to be the truth. Even when truth is clearly presented to them.
It's a very "slippery slope" between the truth and a lie. And ANY change ... even the "smallest" amount of change ... to the TRUTH ... is a lie.
Adding something else to the truth ... is a lie. And subtracting from the truth ... is a lie. 
And what kinda CONCERNS ME ... is that today, one will hardly ever seek truth ... because they are comfortably wrapped in a mountain of lies.
Many no longer seek truth, but rather only seek the things that make them happy or "feel good" ... in order to justify their current "understanding."
People NO LONGER desire the actual truth ... because they desire the proverbial "feelings" of increased dopamine they receive from HEARING what they want to hear from their slanted eco chamber.
It's very challenging at times to get one to metanoeō ... or to CHANGE their mind.
However, the Holy Spirit will lead you into all truth. There is only THE TRUTH ... there is no "My truth vs. Your truth vs. Their truth." 
The truth for me, is the same truth for you whether you agree with or understand or believe in that truth.
It is the SAME "objective truth" for everyone. The red pen will always be objectively red ... no matter how much you wanna believe it is green.
The pen is red because truth CONFIRMS the pen to be red ... not our "opinions" or "beliefs" about the pen. 
You don't gotta BELIEVE in the sun to receive light from the sun. You don't gotta BELIEVE in gravity to stay on the ground. And you can surely put a cat in the oven ... but it doesn't make it a biscuit.
I make NO CLAIMS today to be the sole bearer of truth ... I only claim (from my understanding of the word) to be a "co-heir" with the one who DOES make that claim.
And Jesus Christ (Yeshua Hamashiach) DIDN'T SAY ... I "kinda" know the truth ... or I "once knew" the truth ... or let me help you go find the truth in those bushes over there. Jesus Christ claimed ... I AM the Truth. (alētheia)
And I ENCOURAGE you today ... that as you sit under the "tutelage" of those in high regard in the pulpit ... to "think" beyond the pulpit.
NOT as a disrespect to the pulpit ... but to rather make sure that your eternal salvation is in no one's hands but our saviors. 
Remember ... the truth does not mind being questioned ... but a lie, doesn't like to be challenged.

Sunday, January 14, 2024

The Seed of Light - M. R. Vincent.

The Seed of Light - M. R. Vincent.
Reposted from Bible Hub
The Seed of Light
M. R. Vincent, D.D.
Psalm 97:11 Light is sown for the righteous, and gladness for the upright in heart.
I just finished posting an excellent and insightful word of encouragement by a 18th. century Pastor (1834-1922) on my blog in response to a post about a beautiful lighthouse by a dear sister, I wrote something about the lighthouse picture that I have had as a header since 2010.
The title for my blog came after a few days of prayers and asking the Lord for guidance on what that title should be and sharing my thoughts with my wife. We settled on "The Light Seed", it seemed so appropriate, fitting the main themes that inspire me and have had a great impact on my life. Many times I have wanted to quit but the Lord keeps reminding me to keep the good fight and sent me some encouragement, hope and confirmations.
Last year, in 2018 I added a scripture, Psalm 97:11 You know how it works, a verse could be hidden from your eyes for years of bible reading and then, the light shines on this singular verse that has so much meaning at this precise juncture in your life. The discovery of this morning gem happened as I was looking at my blog´s ranking with Google.
A few years back, when I googled my blog it was on the first pages with several entries for my personal articles, even before the counterfeit New Age, occult diversions and awful dark games were using the "light and seed" in different combinations to lure in a click bait fashion and so deceive their public. I am sure that was the Lord inspiring the choice of such a title as a predominant theme throughout the blog. I had to scroll down 4 pages before my blog appeared near the bottom of the page where it had been relegated by the algorithm
But right before, the page from the Bible Hub caught my attention. It was such a confirmation and such a personal encouragement that I wanted to share with my brothers and sisters on FB and RR. I think and pray for them, but sometimes it´s easier and faster to post somebody else´s word of encouragement and hope to those in need of such.
I am still working on several articles and testimonies from some time ago, but the need is pressing to lift up our suffering brethren and I feel time is crucial.

Ya que Sabemos - Un Cantico Nuevo en el Desierto


Compuesto y publicado por Jean-Louis Mondon

Ya que sabemos que nuestro Dios es un fuego consumidor,
Que Su Palabra es como un martillo y una llama,
Aceptamos el quebrantamiento y el fuego de la aflicción de su mano,
No resistamos a la obra de purificación del Espíritu Santo.
El desea que saquemos los ídolos de nuestro corazón,
Para exaltarle a Él en el trono interior de nuestro ser.

¿Ya que sabemos que Él mandó Su profeta Ezequiel,
Que infundió la vida dentro de los huesos secos,
Dudaremos que pueda reunir
Los que ha dispersado?

¿Ya que sabemos que Él no nos habla sólo individualmente,
Pero también como a Su cuerpo entero,
Dudaremos que Él nos ha reunido en este tiempo,
Para adorarlo en espíritu y en verdad,
Y servirle con alegría?

¿Ya que sabemos que Él ve y oye nuestra pena y aflicción,
Y que vive en la alabanza de su pueblo,
Mientras que nos reunimos en Su nombre,
Permitiendo que Su Espíritu nos purifique,
Cuando nos entregamos y nos rendimos,
Mediante la alabanza y adoración hacia su majestad,
No nos enviará su Palabra para refrescarnos,
Para vendar nuestras heridas,
Y restaurarnos con el gozo de Su salvación?

¿Ya que sabemos que Él vino para liberar los encadenados,
Y que donde está el Espíritu, hay libertad,
No romperá la esclavitud que nos impide experimentar
La plenitud de su bendita presencia?

¿Ya que sabemos que abundan Su gracia y misericordia,
No nos devolverá nuestro primer amor por El,
Poniendo nuestro pies en un sendero seguro?

Ya que sabemos que Él nos llama:
“Venid, ahora es el tiempo de la salvación”,
no responderemos con fe, confianza y obediencia,
siguiéndolo y entrando en el agua que fluye de Su trono,
no solamente hasta los tobillos, ni hasta las rodillas,
Pero sumergiéndonos sin reserva,
En el río de Su Espíritu,
Para que Él nos haga sanos y enteros?

Ya que sabemos que solamente los que toman del agua de la vida
Podrán compartir Su vida con otros,
Recordémonos de la mujer samaritana en el pozo de Sicar.
¿Tenemos sed? Entonces, acerquémonos y tomemos libremente
Del agua que no cuesta nada
 Y Él satisfará nuestra sed hasta que rebosemos,
Bendiciendo a todos los demás.
Para su honra y gloria.

Saturday, January 13, 2024

Do you know?

 Since we know
Original written by Jean-Louis. 1995.

Since we know that the Lord is a consuming fire,
That His Word is like a hammer and a flame,
Let us be broken and go through the fire of affliction.
Let us not resist the purifying work of the Holy Spirit.
All He wants us to do is to remove the idols of our hearts,
To take His rightful place on His throne, our altar.

Since we know that He sent His prophet Ezekiel
To speak life into the dead, dry bones,
Will He not be able to bring together,
What He has scattered?

Since we know that He does not speak only
To individuals, but to His whole body,
Is He not the one that brings us together,
To worship Him in Spirit and Truth,
And to serve Him gladly?

Since we know that He sees and hears our sorrow and affliction,
And that He inhabits the praises of His people,
As we gather in His Name
And allow His Spirit and His word to purify us,
As with humble and grateful hearts we yield
In praise and worship to His majesty,
Will He not send His Word to refresh us,
To bind our wounds,
And restore to us the joy of His salvation?

Since we know that He came to set the prisoners free,
And that where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty,
Will He not break the bondage that prevents us
From experiencing the full benefit of His blessed presence?

Since we know that His grace and mercies abound,
Will He not restore in us our first love for Him,
And set our feet on a firm path?

 Image from Crowdsurf
Since we know that He bids us:
“Come, Now is the time of my salvation”,
Will we not respond in faith, trust and obedience,
Entering into the water flowing from His throne,
Not only ankle deep, nor knee deep;
But plunging wholeheartedly in the pure refreshing stream
And be made well and whole? Then the angel showed me the river of the water of life, bright as crystal, flowing from the throne of... 

Since we know that only those
who drink of the water of life,
Will be able to share His life with others,
Let us remember the woman at the well of Sichar.
Are we thirsty? Then let us come and drink freely,
The living water that costs nothing,
And He will satisfy our thirst to overflowing.

Since this was written for christians believers, I am certain that most of you will recognize and be able to identify the corresponding scriptures verses throughout the poem.
